Mindful Hues for the Home

Wellness in the home is set to be a big trend in 2019 – one that goes beyond comfy furnishings to relax in. Our homes are places of protection, but also of rejuvenation from our busy and fast-paced lifestyles. The colour of our walls is integral in helping us recharge and de-stress and as many of us are spending more time staying in, it is even important that our homes are also our sanctuaries. So pick up the paintbrush and take inspiration from Valspar’s palette of restorative shades, which both uplift and relax to create a truly mindful space.

Top Tip from Sue Kim, Senior Colour Designer at Valspar “We’re constantly battling being busy in all aspects of life and more and more we’re seeking respite from stress with products, tools and services that balance our fast-paced lifestyles. Creating a welcoming interior to come home to will help reduce feelings of stress so you can really enjoy the space you’re in. To perfectly complement soothing sage shades, try introducing indoor plants which have the additional benefit of purifying the air as well as making us feel relaxed and calm.”